Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Best Lake Streamer flies

Streamer fishing in CO lakes is far different than streamer fishing in rivers.  You don't want the fly to have too much weight, or else it sinks.  Heavy, river streamers quickly sink and get caught up in weed beds.

1. Woolley Bugger

The woolly bugger is the best overall attractor in lake fishing in CO.
It accurately represents leeches, hellgrammites, and minnows.  The
Marabou tail provides excellent movement.  Best in sizes 6-8 in colors

2. Zonker

The zonker provides a realistic minnow pattern whose hook
rides point up thus avoiding snags on weed beds and rocks.
The zonker's shiny underbelly attacks trout from all directions
when stripped through the water.

3. Barr's Meat whistle

The meat whistle's jig style hook is perfect for lakes.
Whether from a pontoon or from the shore, this fly provides
excellent movement.

4.  Galloup Dungeon

When going for big fish, this is the best bet.  The articulated body
coupled with legs and a marabou tail gives this fly
great movement in the water.  

5.  Zoo cougar

Another Galloup fly, the zoo cougar barely sinks
under the water.  This fly is best used in shallower lakes and ponds
where its shining underbelly attracts trout from underneath.

South Platte Middle Fork Fishing report 3-30-16

The recent cold snap has caused some ice shelves to form; however, that turns out to be a good thing.  The ice shelves provided big browns a spot to hide.  Multiple big browns caught on streamer fishing in the undercut banks and ice shelves.  Just swing a dark medium size streamer under the deep banks and big fish are willing and ready.

Flies that caught fish: Black Sculpzilla #4, Pine squirrel Slumpbuster #6,  

Early season fly choices for Colorado

Here listed are probably the dry best flies for early season trout

1. Parachute BWO #20-24
When BWOs start hatching in march, this fly presents a realistic
and easy-to-see option.

2. Griffins Gnat #18-20
This easy to tie fly represents a cluster of midges.  Using
this fly during early season midge swarms is a must.

3.  Goddard Caddis #16
Great early season attractor.  I was using it even when there
was no caddis hatching and it still somehow
got me numerous trout.

4. Baetis sprout midge #20
This realistic fly pattern floats very well.  Its emerger style
hook and flash in the tail makes this fly stick out in
large hatches.